Tenant FAQs
Answers to your frequently asked questions
What are your office hours?
We are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. -
How do we reach you?
E mail is best, or you can call the main line number 210-492-1695 and leave a message or contact our leasing line at 210-775-6263 -
Can you hold a place before I apply?
No. Once you apply we can only hold properties for two weeks after a deposit paid. -
How do I apply for one of the homes you manage?
All application procedures start from our listings – look for the “HOW TO APPLY” button and begin the process. Click on the property picture & Start the process. If you have an issue, click the ask as question box under the property.
Applications are taken in the order they are received, first come first serve.
What are your screening criteria?
Refer to our Rental Search Page, click Screening Criteria (4 th bullet point) page as our full disclosure is posted there for review. No pets over 40 pounds, max 2 pet per house hold. -
How old do you have to be to apply?
All adults 18 years or older must apply. Even if persons applying will not be main lease holder. -
Do I pay first month’s rent and last month’s rent with my security deposit?
No. Security Deposit due within 48 hours of approval. We pro rate rent for the amount of days left after your move in date. -
How much security deposit do you charge the resident?
Landlord Property Management requires all approved applicants to pay a refundable Security Deposit at lease execution in the amount of $25.00 less than the rent amount.
Before execution of any lease agreement, Resident will pay a security deposit to Landlord P.M. through their tenant portal.
Obligo options made available through the initial set up to your online portal. This option is available ONLY at initial log in and set up, please be care ful to look for this upon set up. Applicant, must be approved separately through Obligo’s platform. There is an additional fee for the service.
Refer to our Resident Document page as our full disclosure is posted there for review.
Is the deposit refundable?
Yes! Our goal is to always give a full refund back to tenants minus carpet cleaning which is an auto deduct. We give out checklists etc that you can follow to get your deposit back. -
You have a property I want to rent. How do I apply?
Please visit our available properties page and there is a quick and convenient apply now button. -
How long will it take to get an answer on our application being submitted?
Our staff can usually respond in 1 – 3 business days depending on weekends and holidays. The applications are completed on line and the information is available nearly immediately for review minus the rental and employment verification. Once the application is completed, a formal response will be communicated to the applicants – usually via email. you may follow up at propmanger@landlordpm.com -
How do I pay rent?
You may pay rent through your portal by echeck or credit card. Also, you have ability to download a pay slip to pay rent in person at places like CVS, HEB etc -
When is my rent due?
All rents are due to Landlord Property Management San Antonio on the 1st (first) of each month. Late fees posted starting midnight on the 3 rd (fourth) of each month. Our late fee policy is 10% of the month’s rent starting the 4th of the month. In accordance with the lease agreement and the Texas Property Code – all payments made to the property manager will be credited in the following ways:
- Any payments made go to late fees, maintenance fees, or other administrative fees FIRST.
- Any balances left after the fees are brought current can be applied to rent SECOND.
Example: $1,500 per month in rent. Resident forgets to pay rent on normal time and pays rent on the 4th of the month. The total late fees would be $150.00.
If the resident pays rent of $1,500 – that payment applies FIRST to the late fees ($150.00) and SECOND to rent for $1,350.00. If the current late fee is NOT paid prior to the next month’s charge, an additional late fee will be incurred, as it will accrue.
This makes the rent still late and unpaid. Unpaid rent is grounds for eviction. All of this is in compliance with the Texas Property Code.
Additional Fees: In the efforts to collect rent, we are obligated to protect the owner and their best interests. If a resident is late paying rent with no response to our collection efforts via email and phone – notice will be posted to their front door. Once this occurs, the resident will be charged for that notice being posted.
I want to get a pet. What do I do?
Notify property manager prior to purchasing a pet. You will need to fill out a pet profile on landlordpm.petscreening.com as well as execute a pet agreement. Pet deposit is $500 per pet. -
Who is responsible for utilities?
The tenant is responsible for water, Electric, cable & internet.
Properties located in the Bulverde area will have a separate billing for sewer service.
How do I get mailbox access?
You will need to contact the nearest post office and take a copy of your lease agreement. The post office will re key the box. There is typically a charge for re keying the box. -
What about trash service?
If provided by the city, please check the website
This will also give you the cost for bins (if needed) as well as what day your service is.
You can also look at neighbors to see when they place bins out for collection.
Numerous areas have private companies that are paid outside of the utility companies.
We will do our best to inform you ahead of time who to contact- Tiger Services and ?offer private pick up.
How do you handle maintenance requests?
We ask that the residents submit all repair requests through the Tenant portal for fastest response. You can also email repairs @ landlordpm. com as it is monitored during regular business hours.
Once a repair request is submitted, our Maintenance Department receives a notification. For any after hours or immediate service requests – we have a 24 hour answering service that can be reached by calling our office phone line at 210.988-0378 This is meant for emergency calls only. Any non-emergency repair requests should be sent through the owner portal, or call the repair line.